City of Calgary Information Update (311)


GlobalFest has been in regular contact with The City of Calgary and the various business units involved in supporting a major festival, like ours.  These include Calgary Police Service (CPS), Calgary Fire Department (CFD) and Bylaw, as well as Arts & Culture, Parks, Roads, Waste, etc.  The Interdepartmental Event Team (IET) and GlobalFest work together to ensure all City bylaws, regulations and restrictions are attended to.  Each business unit also has their staff working to support our event.  To that end GlobalFest has met all the requirements in order for our event to go forward and has secured all the necessary permits.

If you have any questions regarding GlobalFest and The City of Calgary, please contact us directly at the GlobalFest office, 403.569.9679 and we will gladly answers any questions you may have.

No Event Postponements in 2024

Due to the many events and community activities that are scheduled, and that just pop up over the coming weeks, we have been informed that there will be no opportunity to postpone or reschedule any night of the festival.  City services are unable to respond to any event rescheduling, unlike in past years.  As an outdoor festival we know that weather happens.  We ask our audiences to come to the festival prepared for whatever the weather forecast is suggesting.  Rain will not hold the show back.

We may have to hold the start of the fireworks off until as late as 10:30 pm that night in order for the show to be successful presented.

Our ticketing policy remains unchanged, we do not refund tickets.

If, however, an extreme weather situation does arise, rather in the past, where we were able to shift the event by one night, as that option is not available this year, it may be necessary for GlobalFest to cancel that night’s presentation.  This will be a last resort decision and will not come lightly.

In this case, GlobalFest will extend an offer to exchange tickets for that night only to one of the upcoming nights of the festival, subject to ticket availability.  Beyond that, we will extend the opportunity to exchange those tickets to one of the first four nights of the 2025 festival.  This change in policy will only be in effect for any night that has officially been cancelled.  Inclement weather and personal choices to not attend a night of the festival will not qualify for ticket exchange.

We thank you for your understanding of the constraints within which we work and look forward to you joining us this year for an amazing celebration.

Globalfest 2023